Dress Code

Dress Code
Because we want everyone to be safe, comfortable, and enjoy their evening, we will be enforcing the following dress code. Dress code applies to everyone in the ballroom.

This dance requires semi-formal to formal attire . If you are in doubt, err on the formal side. Dress slacks, shirt, and tie are appropriate. (sorry, no jeans!)
A dress jacket may be added for a complete outfit.
Kilts are a welcomed sight too!

Dresses are to be mid-calf or longer with a full skirt that does not drag on the floor.
Comfortable shoes are best, and socks or no shoes are fine too!
The front of your dress must come up on the sides to your underarms, and the back must come up to the bra line.
Dresses need to have straps. You are moving a lot, and we want you to be comfortable, not embarrassed. Make sure that the dress is high enough in the front so that nothing shows. We do not allow “V” front dresses that go lower than armpit level. You can also wear a sweater or the like if you choose.
Chaperones will be happy to help you if needed and will be wearing name tags.
Also chaperones can help with any repairs as there will be safety pins, thread, etc in an extra room.

Consider these Social Graces
We want our dance to be enjoyable for everyone, and give opportunities for all to dance with a variety of people. In other words, this special event is not meant to be a “date night” and we will be changing partners throughout the evening. (Exceptions for married and engaged couples.) If you come with a group, remember to also stretch outside of that boundary and meet new friends!

It is important that you see that all the ladies have the opportunity to dance. This is very much appreciated. If you see ladies standing on the side waiting to be asked to dance, please ask one.
Do not monopolize any single lady.

If you choose not to accept a dance, decline politely. If you want to sit out a dance, but you don’t mind if a gentleman asks you later, you should tell him. (Please be gracious, because it is not easy to ask you to dance.) There are usually more ladies than young gentlemen. We have been told by young ladies that it can be just as fun to dance with each other!