It’s time to register for the August 31st Celtic Ball!

Hi there friends!

Registration for our August 31st Celtic Ball opens today and will close when it’s full, possibly before the end of the day. At that point, a waiting list will form. We will give those on the waiting list a head start on registering for the next Celtic Ball on December 21st.

Ages 13 and up, alumni are welcome! $50 per registrant. Just a reminder that we’ll be raising the age requirement to 14+ beginning in 2025. 

We’re not sending confirmation numbers out, but you will receive an email from google when you successfully submit the form. Each person who wishes to attend needs to fill out the form individually, please. When filling out the form for multiple attendees, feel free to use the same email address if needed. You may pay via one check or one Paypal transaction. Attendees will be checked in by name when they arrive at the Ball. 

Registration form:

For those interested, we have a limited number of spots available for parents to attend and help out as chaperones. They can sign up to do so here:

Also, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be publishing a new website soon! Please expect future information about all our events to come from!

Questions? [email protected] – 614.381.5697

Josiah and Elaina Moore

August Celtic Gala Registration Is Open! (It’s an adult’s Celtic Ball!)

Hello friends!

Join us for a formal evening of Scottish country dancing. These Scottish folk dances are set to traditional melodies and are performed in sets, circles, and couples. The dances are easy to learn, and so much fun! 

The Gala will mirror the Celtic Ball in many ways but is for adults only! (18+) This dance is for Celtic ball alumni, Celtic ball parents, or any adults who would enjoy a fun and formal evening of dancing, food, and community. It’ll be a perfect date night, group event, or come alone and make some friends! 

Follow the link below for all the details and to get registered! We have limited space and expect the event to sell out quickly so register soon!


Josiah and Elaina Moore
Celtic & Moore
[email protected]

Celtic is booked! – Dates & some important notes

Hi there friends,

I have all of our events booked for the rest of 2024! Please note when registration opens as well. Tickets will go quickly!

Celtic Gala – August 10th at 7:00pm (Ages 18+) 
Station 67 – 379 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215.
Registration opens on Saturday, June 1st.

Celtic Ball – August 31st, Practice 10am to 1:30pm, Ball 7:00pm (Homeschoolers and their friends, alumni welcome. See note below)
St Charles Preparatory School – 2010 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43209
Registration opens on Saturday, June 29th.

Celtic Gala – November 23rd at 7:00pm (Ages 18+)
Station 67 – 379 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215
Registration opens on Saturday, October 5th.

Celtic Ball – December 21st, Practice 10am to 1:30pm, Ball 7:00pm 
(Homeschoolers and their friends, alumni welcome. See note below)
St Charles Preparatory School – 2010 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43209
Registration opens on Saturday, November 2nd.

Our April Celtic Ball sold out in less than a day. That’s just amazing to us! Not only did it sell out ridiculously fast, but I had a waiting list of over 150 kids. We are in awe of how the Lord has blessed this event and what a robust and thriving homeschooling community central Ohio has right now! 

I’m genuinely sorry to those who didn’t make it into the April Ball. I absolutely hate having to turn people away! But here are my announcements to remedy this as best we can in the future:

First, as I’ve already mentioned, we will do our best to host three Celtic Balls annually instead of just two. I’ll always give a head start signing up to those on the previous Ball’s waiting list. That way, everyone should be able to make it into at least one or two Balls each year, if they wish. We’ll also host at least one event annually for ages 18+ as you already know. Furthermore, beginning in 2025, the Celtic Ball will be strictly for those ages 14 and up.

Waiting to make this change until next year will hopefully keep many little hearts from breaking who are looking forward to attending when they turn 13 later this year. Before 2020, the Ball was more often for ages 14+, however after Covid we opened it up to 13-year-olds to help fill our events as many families were slow to resume attending large events. 

The other issue that keeps coming up is alumni attending the ball. I’d like to address that now. 

Alumni will still be allowed to attend the ball. We have had many discussions about this and still feel that it only adds to the event as a whole to have them attend. The ball is meant to be a social dance similar in that respect to a square dance, Ceili, or other such event where people of all ages are dancing and socializing together. We say ages 13+ (soon to be 14+)  just to keep it more of a formal event. The alumni bring some dancing experience that helps the newer kids learn, and also allows for sibling sets to attend together if they wish, even if some siblings have graduated. Josiah and I both come from large families and loved having the opportunity to do this back when we attended this event before it became ours years ago. Also, almost the entire team who hosts the ball is made up of Celtic Ball alumni, many who are in their mid to upper 20s now. It would seem odd to me to restrict other alumni from attending since this is the case and since the team participates in the dances.

We, above all, desire this event to be an uplifting and God-honoring experience. This is obviously why we encourage certain social graces, require a certain dress code, etc. To those who feel it’s inappropriate for an 18+ year old to dance with a younger person, I’d l say that the nature of the dances we teach would hopefully never lend themselves to being misconstrued as inappropriate by someone who only has pure intentions. If a gentleman/lady has acted above reproach, at any age, there should be no means for someone to accuse them of behaving otherwise. It’s just as possible for a seventeen-year-old to misconduct themselves as it is for a 20-year-old to do so. Our goal, of course, is that neither would happen! To that, our team and wonderful chaperones have done a great job of helping to keep the Ball safe, fun, and uplifting.

Having said all that, few alumni attend anyways. The actual stat for the current ball is under three percent. Some 19-year-olds are also seniors, so we’d never want to exclude them. The gala (our adult only event) isn’t really to pull alumni away from attending the ball so much as to give those who don’t attend the ball anyway an event of their own to enjoy.

I understand that some of you may not agree with at least part of what I’ve said, and that’s okay. I just wanted to clearly convey our vision and heart for this event and hopefully clear a few things up.

Josiah and Elaina Moore
Celtic and Moore
[email protected]

April 2024 Celtic Ball Registration Is Open!

Hello friends!

Registration for our April 13th Celtic Ball opens today and will close when it’s full, which generally takes a few days. At that point, a waiting list will form. My plan is to give those on the waiting list a couple days head start on registering for the next Celtic Ball (hopefully this summer!). That way, they’ll have a chance to claim a spot for sure. 

Ages 13 and up, alumni are welcome! $50 per registrant.

We’re not sending confirmation numbers out, but you will receive an email from google when you successfully submit the form. Each person who wishes to attend needs to fill out the form individually, please. For parents filling out the form for multiple attendees, feel free to use the same email address if needed. You may pay via one check or one Paypal transaction. Attendees will be checked in by name when they arrive at the Ball. 

Registration form:

For those interested, we have a limited number of spots available for parents to attend and help out as chaperones. They can sign up to do so here:

Questions? [email protected] – 614.381.5697


Josiah and Elaina Moore

2024 Celtic Ball Dates and Announcements

Hello friends!

Thank you all for your patience as we worked to decide on the best venues, dates, and sizes of our events this year! I’m excited to finally let you know that I have some details to share!

The Celtic Ball – Saturday, April 13th 2024 – Walter Commons at St. Charles Preparatory School (ticket cost will be included with registration details)

This is another new venue for us that will be able to host 480 dancers! As always, we still do have limited space, so be sure to sign up quickly when registration opens on March 1st! Registration will close when it’s full, which generally takes less than a week. At that point, a waiting list will form. There will also be a form going out for parents to sign up to chaperone if they would like! Again, we have limited space, so these spots will be first come, first serve.

As large as Walter Commons is, it’ll still accommodate about 50 less dancers than our previous two events. Due to that fact, and the ever-growing interest in the Celtic Ball, we are considering adding a third summer Celtic Ball into our calendar. We will keep you posted after the April Ball when we’ve made a decision. We’d most likely want to give April’s waiting list the opportunity to sign up for the summer Ball first, since they wouldn’t have attended the April Ball.  

We will also be hosting a Celtic Ball in the fall or winter of 2024, details to come this summer.

The Celtic Gala – Summer 2024, details coming soon.

We’re hosting our second annual Celtic Gala! This event will mirror the Ball in many ways, but is for adults only! (18+) This dance is for celtic ball alumni, celtic ball parents, or any adults who would enjoy a fun and formal evening of dancing, food, and community. It’ll be a perfect date night, group event, or come alone and make some friends! This event was a huge success last summer, and we can’t wait to dance with you all again!
Josiah and Elaina Moore
The Ohio Celtic Ball
[email protected]

It’s time for our 2023 Autumn Celtic Ball Registration!

Hello there! 

Registration for the November 4th Celtic Ball opens today and will close when it’s full, which generally takes less than a week. At that point, a waiting list will form. Ages 13 and up, alumni are welcome!

We’re not sending confirmation numbers out, but you will receive an email from google when you submit the form. Each person who wishes to attend needs to fill out the form individually, please. For parents filling out the form for multiple attendees, feel free to use the same email address if needed. You may pay via one check or one Paypal transaction. Attendees will be checked in by name when they arrive at the Ball. 

Registration form:

For those interested, we have a limited number of spots available for parents to attend and help out as chaperones. They can sign up to do so here:

Questions? [email protected] – 614.381.5697


Josiah and Elaina Moore

November 2023 Celtic Ball Announcement

Hello friends!

We just wanted to share that we have the next Celtic Ball booked for Saturday, November 4th, 2023 at the Columbus Athenaeum in downtown Columbus. ($50 per registration)

As always, we have limited space, so be sure to sign up quickly when registration opens on September 3rd. Registration will close when it’s full, which generally takes less than a week. At that point, a waiting list will form. 

There will also be a form going out for parents to sign up to chaperone if they would like! Again, we have limited space, so these spots will be first come, first serve. 

Looking forward to having you at our Autumn event!


Josiah and Elaina Moore
The Ohio Celtic Ball
[email protected]

July Celtic Gala Registration Is Open! (It’s an adult’s Celtic Ball!)

Hello friends!

Thank you for your interest in our first ever Gala!

Join us for a formal evening of Scottish country dancing. These Scottish folk dances are set to traditional melodies and are performed in sets, circles, and couples. The dances are easy to learn, and so much fun!

The Gala will mirror the Celtic Ball in many ways but is for adults only! (18+)

This dance is for Celtic ball alumni, Celtic ball parents, or any adults who would enjoy a fun and formal evening of dancing, food, and community. It’ll be a perfect date night, group event, or come alone and make some friends!

Follow the link below for all the details and to get registered! We have very limited space for this first time and expect the event to sell out quickly so register soon!


Josiah and Elaina Moore


[email protected]

Celtic Ball Scholarship Nomination

Hello friends!

You now have an opportunity to nominate someone for a chance at free admittance to the upcoming Celtic Ball on March 25th!

What is this?

Recently a friend of the Celtic Ball expressed their desire to bless this community by sponsoring several students who, due to the financial burden, might otherwise not be able to attend. Everyone involved will remain anonymous and the recipients of the free spots will be contacted via email by me, Elaina Moore.

I know everyone would like a free spot, but it is our hope that these few spots go to students who will truly be blessed by this financial help. Please consider this when you make a nomination. Thank you!

Follow the link below: