Spring 2020 Registration Announcement

Spring Celtic Ball- March 14th, 2020
Ohio Wesleyan University
Cost: $35
Sign ups begin Monday, January 27th.  

EVERYONE MUST WAIT UNTIL January 27th to send their information to [email protected]
It is VERY important that you read the instructions below!
There have been changes to the registration process!


If you did not attend the 2019 Christmas Ball, please email your registration information (no payment needed yet) as soon as you can, beginning on January 27th.
If you have other siblings that also did not attend the  Christmas Ball; we want to include them too. Include their names and ages also.

We will send you a registration within a week, and we can save your place for you to give you time to send your payment. We will need  your information by February 1st, to be able to be certain that we can accommodate all of you. 

If you did come to the 2019 Christmas Ball, you may not be aware that due to a larger number overall for the Christmas Ball, we had to ask some seniors to choose one out of the two. (Originally, we had said we can have seniors attend both- as we have done in past years- but we had to change that.)

Go ahead and  email your registration information starting January 27th- we will hold your information, and we will contact you by February 17th to let you know if we can include you for the spring ball.


Undergraduates ages 14 and up – Ladies

If you did not attend the Christmas Ball, please send your name (s), age(s). (no payment yet). We will  send the registration to you within a week, (and save your place to give you time to send your payment) or let you know if there is a waiting list, etc, as it may fill quickly.

Because we asked our young ladies to pick one or the other, we are hoping that we will be able to include all who did not attend the Christmas Ball. Please also be patient with us, as we work through this.

If you did attend the Christmas Ball, and you would like to be on a waiting list for the spring- please send your information (age, and that you did attend the Christmas Ball)  after February 17th. We will respond if we have room – possibly closer to the ball. We thank you for understanding that we want to give preference to those who did not attend the Christmas Ball.


Undergraduates ages 14 and up – Gentlemen

When the sign ups begin, it is to your advantage to not wait, as we were not able to include all of you for the 2019 Christmas Ball. (no payment needed yet)
So, be sure and send in your information right away (from January 27th on)! 

We will email your registration to you within a week, (unless we are full) and save you a place to give you time to send your payment. We still have more ladies than gentlemen that want to come, so we do not ask you to choose one or the other- but, don’t delay signing up!


Graduates from High School

We are honestly grateful for those of you who still enjoy coming and want you to feel welcome as long as you want to come. We have found that your familiarity with the dances makes the ball more enjoyable for everyone, especially  because you tend to include others who are newer and younger.

At the same time, we want to include all of those that have yet to experience the Celtic Ball. If this is you – please send an email with your registration information, and specify that you have graduated (no payment at this time) and we hope to also include you.

Drum Roll, Please

Hello everyone! 
Now that winter has truly arrived, it is time to look ahead to…
Spring Celtic Ball on March 14th 2020!
We will be sending out registration information on Saturday, January 25th.
Watch for details!

Christmas Ball Update 2019

We have had a larger response than usual,  and it looks as if we have reached our limit for our young ladies.

We have begun  a waiting list  of just guys now for registration.
Please email Rebekah at [email protected]

We appreciate  your interest in the Celtic Ball, and at the same time, we are really focusing on doing this well, and within the scope of our abilities. We want to be sure to give participants  our best- so we do not want to get bigger than we should. We appreciate your understanding!

-The Celtic Ball Team

Christmas 2019 Registration News!

Christmas Celtic Ball December 14, 2019
Hamilton Williams Center
Ohio Wesleyan University
Price: $32

Registration Begins October 1st, 2019
To be fair to everyone, please wait until October 1st to send your registration email.
(Questions are welcome anytime. )

Please email the following information to [email protected]
Name(s) and Age(s) of those interested in attending the Christmas Celtic Ball.
Are you coming to the Ball for the first time?

After we receive your email, we will:
Email the complete registration information to you and reserve your place for one week, so that you can send your payment
(If you need more time on the payment, please let us know, as we are happy to make accommodations)

After we receive your payment we will:
Email your confirmation – This will be your ticket

Got questions? Contact Rebekah: [email protected]

Celtic Ball Reminder & Announcement!

A Reminder !
Celtic Ball dates for 2019/2020: 
December 14, 2019
March 14, 2020

An Announcement!

Watch for Registration Information for the December Celtic Ball coming soon – by the end of September.

All details will be sent ahead of time, and registration will begin October 1st.

Registration will be a little different, so please watch for details that will be sent to you through the website and emails. 
Also,  ladies… take some time to decide on one ball for sure ( we never know how it will play out although we do try to accommodate as best as we can. But we want to be sure to include all to at least one of the two events. )
Seniors still  are welcome to come to both.
We are honored to be able to continue this wonderful event for you, and as always we appreciate your prayers for us as we plan.

Thanks !

Mark your 2019-2020 calendar!

We have the Celtic Ball dates for 2019-2020 and want to be sure that you know about them.

Christmas Celtic Ball – December 14th, 2019
Spring Celtic Ball – March 14, 2020

Watch for more  detailed information by mid- September regarding the Christmas Ball!

A Swing Thing – Summer 2019

Ms. Rebekah is passing along this information to you from Carlos Stoner, who you may have met previously at the Ohio Celtic Ball.
This event is not associated with Ohio Celtic Ball, but we are happy to pass this along to you for your consideration.

Announcing CMS Studio’s first ever Swing and Contemporary Social dance!

You are invited to a fun day of music and dance on September 14, 2019 at the Big Walnut Shelter House (5000 E Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH 43227)

A word from Carlos…

My name is Carlos Stoner…I am putting together this fun social dance for people how love to dance just as much as I do. I myself have attended the Celtic Ball several times and find this a great time to laugh and hang with new and old friends. Here is a new dance opportunity…separate from the Celtic Ball, but just as fun!

For more information about the dance email to [email protected] or visit https://carlosstoner.wixsite.com/formaldance

Thanks for your interest!

A Mountain of Celtic Ball News Is Coming

Registration info is coming out by Sunday , January 27th for the next Celtic Ball!

Spring Celtic Ball March 16th, 2019!

We will be taking by names by email (like we did for last year’s Spring Ball).

More info to come- just be watching for it through email and Ohio Celtic Ball posts!