Celtic Ball Greetings From Rebekah

Hi friends,

Lots of great things are on the horizon for the Celtic Ball  and our homeschool community! Keep a watch for that soon.But first , I want to explain to you a new thing that is happening.

I will be stepping aside as far as organizing the Celtic Ball , and leaving it in the very competent hands of Josiah and Elaina Moore. Many of you know that we have been doing this together, for several years now – as a team, along with Joel and Tori Moore.

I have had such great joy watching our young adults , who I became acquainted with as young participants – stepping into leadership roles. Working together with them I have watched The Celtic Ball continue to become even sweeter – thanks to their enthusiasm, dedication, and high standards. They have brought new ideas and life to it as well. What could be better than that ?

Well, it’s time for them to continue our wonderful traditions, and , just as important – with their vision – to keep it growing even stronger.

There will most likely be changes or updates in the future regarding the website (Ohiocelticball.com) and email( [email protected]), but Josiah and Elaina will keep you posted about that.

It’s been my honor to serve the homeschool community for quite a few years and now it’s time for me to do some other things. ( I do look forward to coming and dancing !)

Also, because many of you have become  friends, (yet we mainly communicated through the Celtic email, twice a year ) – here is my personal email : [email protected]

Many thanks to all of you – who have prayed for, encouraged, and blessed us. I am so thankful that I said yes to organizing it, as it has given me great memories and friends that I will forever cherish.

And thanks in advance for your continued encouragement and support to the new leaders, Josiah and Elaina !

Sincerely ,