Spring 2020 Registration Announcement

Spring Celtic Ball- March 14th, 2020
Ohio Wesleyan University
Cost: $35
Sign ups begin Monday, January 27th.  

EVERYONE MUST WAIT UNTIL January 27th to send their information to [email protected]
It is VERY important that you read the instructions below!
There have been changes to the registration process!


If you did not attend the 2019 Christmas Ball, please email your registration information (no payment needed yet) as soon as you can, beginning on January 27th.
If you have other siblings that also did not attend the  Christmas Ball; we want to include them too. Include their names and ages also.

We will send you a registration within a week, and we can save your place for you to give you time to send your payment. We will need  your information by February 1st, to be able to be certain that we can accommodate all of you. 

If you did come to the 2019 Christmas Ball, you may not be aware that due to a larger number overall for the Christmas Ball, we had to ask some seniors to choose one out of the two. (Originally, we had said we can have seniors attend both- as we have done in past years- but we had to change that.)

Go ahead and  email your registration information starting January 27th- we will hold your information, and we will contact you by February 17th to let you know if we can include you for the spring ball.


Undergraduates ages 14 and up – Ladies

If you did not attend the Christmas Ball, please send your name (s), age(s). (no payment yet). We will  send the registration to you within a week, (and save your place to give you time to send your payment) or let you know if there is a waiting list, etc, as it may fill quickly.

Because we asked our young ladies to pick one or the other, we are hoping that we will be able to include all who did not attend the Christmas Ball. Please also be patient with us, as we work through this.

If you did attend the Christmas Ball, and you would like to be on a waiting list for the spring- please send your information (age, and that you did attend the Christmas Ball)  after February 17th. We will respond if we have room – possibly closer to the ball. We thank you for understanding that we want to give preference to those who did not attend the Christmas Ball.


Undergraduates ages 14 and up – Gentlemen

When the sign ups begin, it is to your advantage to not wait, as we were not able to include all of you for the 2019 Christmas Ball. (no payment needed yet)
So, be sure and send in your information right away (from January 27th on)! 

We will email your registration to you within a week, (unless we are full) and save you a place to give you time to send your payment. We still have more ladies than gentlemen that want to come, so we do not ask you to choose one or the other- but, don’t delay signing up!


Graduates from High School

We are honestly grateful for those of you who still enjoy coming and want you to feel welcome as long as you want to come. We have found that your familiarity with the dances makes the ball more enjoyable for everyone, especially  because you tend to include others who are newer and younger.

At the same time, we want to include all of those that have yet to experience the Celtic Ball. If this is you – please send an email with your registration information, and specify that you have graduated (no payment at this time) and we hope to also include you.